At POTENTIALS, we work closely with our clients to determine their training needs and develop appropriate and responsive programs. We take pride in having conducted dozens of programs for our over 40 (and growing!) corporate and organizational clients.



Professional Development Programs
• Effective Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace
• Business Communication, Etiquette and Professionalism
• Management Skills for Support/Administrative Staff
 – Module 1: Developing Personal Effectiveness
 – Module 2: Mastering Communication Skills
 – Module 3: Managing Office Politics
 – Module 4: Managing your career

• Creating a Powerful Professional Presence/ Dressing for Success
 – Total Personality Development
 – Make up like a Pro
• Power Presentations
• Technical Report Writing and Presentation

Customer Service
• Customer Service Excellence

Management Development Programs
• Management and Supervision
• Management and Leadership Skills in a Rapidly Changing Environment

Legal Orientation for Managers and Supervisors
(conducted by Lawyer consultants)
• Management Prerogatives
• Employee Discipline and Evidence Gathering
• Fundamentals of Contracts

Change Management
• Leading People Through Change
• Becoming a Change Master Negotiation
• Negotiating for Sustained Desired Results

Team building
• Building Team Commitment to Achieve Organizational Results

Training Others
• Train –the-Trainer Program

• Writing/Editing of Employee Handbook
• Course Design of Employee Orientation Program
• Speech/Presentation Writing/Editing and Preparation

Start a meaningful and enriching learning journey for your team today!

Our team of experienced professionals in the fields of Education, Psychology, 

Communication,  and Human Resources Development  are here to help.