Edith Somera-Salazar is an experienced human resources development practitioner, seminar leader, entrepreneur, editor, and teacher. Her company, POTENT!ALS Tutorials and Workshops which she co-founded in 2001, has reached several thousands of professionals in different parts of Luzon through customized training programs , workshops, and short lectures over the past 18 years.

While being the  Training and Development Manager of Texas Instruments (Phils.) Inc., Edith had chaired the People Development Team and the Recognition Team. She had been a certified trainer and TI BEST Assessor in Singapore; a member of the Benchmarking Team,  and had delivered training programs in Hongkong. She had also been the editor of the Texas Instruments’ official publication Tambuli and  the TIPI Technical Digest.

She is currently one of Philippine Trainers of Dallas-based relocation company Cultural Awareness Inc. (CAI).

While connecting with her audience in a unique way, she incorporates high content with fun and humor. Edith makes sure that she involves and engages her audiences. She spent five (5)  years  teaching at the  Saint Louis University  College of Human Sciences and being the editor of the University’s official publication, The Chronicle.

Edith received her Master’s degree in Management from the University of the Philippines; her Certificate in Organizational Development from the Ateneo de Manila University, and her Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Cum Laude) degree from Saint Louis University.

Edith is also a certified make up artist and a marathoner  – she  has  finished at least ten  (10) full marathons (42k) including seven (8) international marathons to date.