Q: What is the POTENTIALS Special Education (SPED) Program?

A. The POTENTIALS SPED Program is a specifically designed instruction (instructional activities which are planned and organized to adapt the content, methodology, and/or delivery) to meet the needs of the children with special needs (CSN).

It focuses on four ( 4) areas of development, namely: Language and Communication, Functional Academics, Gross and Fine Motor Development, and Social Awareness.

The programs may either be individualized or in a class, depending on the result of the initial assessment done by the Potentials SPED Teacher.

Q. What can my child expect to learn?
A. As previously mentioned, the program focuses on 4 areas of development:

Language and Communication: speech, expressive and receptive language;
Functional Academics: basics of reading, writing and practical math
Gross and Fine Motor Development: coordination, balance, songs and games
Social Awareness: activities for daily living (shoe lacing, buttoning, etc.) good
grooming and hygiene and community knowledge

Q: What is the difference between the individualized program and the SPED class?

A: The individualized program is delivered one-on-one (tutorial). It is recommended for CSN whose needs are “specialized” and for those who want to work on their own pace. The programs are designed based on the assessment results of the child’s needs.

Q: Is Potentials a school recognized by the Department of Education?

A: No, Potentials is a tutorial center registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is can issue certificates of completion or attendance but it is not authorized to issue diplomas or promotional reports. Potentials can issue a certification that your child has received a certain number of tutorials or classes. This certificate may be presented to the Department of Education’s office when you apply for the Philippine Validating Exam or the Philippine Placement Tests should you wish to have your child have his/her scholastic records.

Q: How can we enroll in the POTENTIALS SPED/CSN program?

A. When you visit our center, we will schedule your child for an initial assessment done by our SPED teacher. During the assessment, a brief history of the child’s disabilities will be asked in an interview with the parents or guardians. Then the child will be asked to take some tests to determine the child’s entry skill level.

From the assessment, the SPED Teacher can make recommendations whether your child is best suited for the SPED class or for the individualized tutorial program.

Q. How long does the SPED program last?

A. It depends.

Inasmuch as the SPED class is patterned after the SPED curriculum given in SPED schools, it also runs for ten (10) months (equivalent to 1 school year).

For the individualized programs, the number of hours will depend on how much you want your child to know and how fast your child can learn. Thus, it is imperative for the tutor   and the parent to sit down and talk about their goals in helping the child with special needs.

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