1. POTENTIALS reserves the right to accept or not to accept a student enrolling for tutorial services for any reason. POTENTIALS also reserves the right to terminate our services with a student for non-compliance with our guidelines and for any other reason, in which cases we will refund all unused fees.

2. Enrolment in Potentials is composed of the following steps:
a. Submission of a completely filled out Client Information Form and acceptance of our guidelines

b. Payment of a one-time Registration fee of Php 150.00 and advance payment for the scheduled hours.

3. Schedules and Time Keeping
a. Students are expected to come on time for their scheduled tutorial hour/s

b. POTENTIALS will drop a student and give his/her schedule to others after two (2) consecutive “no shows” meaning, without any advanced notice, even if the student has paid in advance.

c. A MAXIMUM of three (3) consecutive cancellations with notice within a period of two (2) weeks is allowed. After which the schedule or slot will be given to other students.

d. After an absence or cancellation, the student and/ or parent/guardian should inform Potentials the specific date when the student will resume.

e. If the student comes late for his/her tutorials, POTENTIALS has no obligation to adjust the schedule in order to give the student the full hour of tutorials.

f. In cases when it is the teacher who is late, for some unavoidable reasons, the teacher will be responsible in ensuring that the full hour service is given and will either extend or arrange for a make up session with the student.

g. If a student can not make it on the scheduled tutorial time, his/her parent should INFORM the tutor or Potentials thru telephone or cellphone CALL at least ONE day before the scheduled absence. Absences without prior notice within reasonable time will be charged in full.
h. Notices of cancellation of less than two (2) hours before the scheduled tutorial hour is considered “Late Information” and will also be charged in full. Exceptions apply ONLY to extreme circumstances such as hospitalization due to an emergency, calamities, extreme weather conditions, and other situations beyond the student or the parent’s control.

i. Due to variations in cellphone company signals and message delivery times, text message cancellation is not acceptable.

j. Telephone or text scheduling may only be entertained if the student has paid unused tutorial hours

k. In case of inclement weather (typhoons, rains etc.) POTENTIALS will follow the official Department of Education guidelines on class suspensions during typhoons and/or the declaration of other government authorities i.e. If classes are suspended in all levels, Potentials will also cancel ALL tutorials and/or will be closed for safety reasons.

4. Payment of Fees
a. Advance payment is required to confirm schedule. A scheduled hour is not considered confirmed
unless it is paid.
b. Payments may be transferable or refundable on a case- to- case basis.
c. To ensure continued services, advance payments should be made. Students will not be allowed to resume tutorials if they have unpaid balances.

5 . Fetching your children
Parents and guardians are expected to bring and fetch their children/wards- especially those below seven ( 7) years old – on time, i.e. no more than fifteen (15) minutes before and after their tutorial hour. We will not be responsible for children who overstay in our premises. We also implement the DROP- AND- GO AND FETCH-AND-GO POLICY. Students who overstay and are not fetched within 30 minutes after his/her session is finished will be charged one full hour equivalent to at least 200 pesos.

6. Others
• While in Potentials, every student is expected to exhibit proper decorum at all times.
• POTENTIALS tutors and administrators will exercise authority in disciplining the students while they are
within the premises of the tutorial center.

Parents/Guardians are requested to inform POTENTIALS of any changes in their address or contact numbers (cell phone and/or landline) for emergency purposes.

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